Oasis Wellness and Recovery Center

1280 N Main St, Providence, Rhode Island 02904, USA
1280 North Main Street Providence Rhode Island 02904 US

The Mental Health Consumer Advocates of Rhode Island (formerly CCSA) is a membership organization for individuals. It is run by and for people in Rhode Island aged 18 and over who are or have been recipients of services for mental health issues.

We seek to empower our membership, both individually and collectively, on issues relevant to their wellness and recovery. In taking a leadership role, we provide education, legislative action, advocacy and socialization opportunities for our members.

Through such programs, our aim is to improve levels of knowledge, open-mindedness and understanding of all people, both locally and nationally, on issues of mental health, thereby reducing stigma and inequity. Our aim is to create an environment which focuses on acceptance and appreciation for our members’ contributions to making our state and our nation a better place for all.